Treasure Planet


I feel like the first movie I should be talking about specifically had to be Disney's Treasure Planet, which is my absolute favorite animated movie ever. For those who don't know, Treasure Planet is an adaption of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island, now with a science fiction twist. The movie came out in theaters on November 27th, 2002 and as great of a movie it is, it did not earn as much in the box office or gain enough attention as expected.

Jim Hawkins is the main protagonist of the story and he goes on a voyage to Treasure Planet in search of said treasure. He encounters pirates, robots, a mutiny, and basically has the adventure of a lifetime the entire time. The film is a beautiful blend of sci-fi and an 18th century style. They sail through space on Spanish galleons, their roofs are metal-plated, and so on. It's just such a beautiful movie. Each character stands out on their own and has their own personalities, quirks, and flaws. The story, while it strays a little from the original book, has its own ground that moves you and is very compelling. Very entertaining as well. The visuals are (in my personal opinion) some of the best that Disney has ever done. 

Honestly, this is a movie I have seen more times than I could count. I know every scene by heart and can quote entire rounds of dialogue. The characters are what I love about it the most and they're probably why Treasure Planet has stayed such a top-tier film for me. You have Jim, a young teenager who doesn't know where his life is going and he has to find his way back on the right path. There's John Silver the pirate captain who goes through his own kind of journey and basically takes on the role as Jim's paternal figure. Captain Amelia, Doctor Doppler, Jim's mother Sarah, all great characters who are wonderfully animated, designed, and voiced. I could very truly talk about this movie for hours or pages on end. There is so much about this film that I can discuss from the plot points of the story to the research and work it took to create it, but I hope that my short little description did it enough justice. This could also be taken as a sign that if you haven't seen Treasure Planet before, I recommend you do so because it's a very fun and wonderful movie.


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